27 October 2009


Today was an amazing day. First off, I woke up this morning to the smell of lilies. It turns out I left the window open and the tiger lilies were getting restless, so they crept through my window to pull me out of my funk. I reluctantly climbed out of my bed into my bunny slippers (they were feeling kind of cranky this morning), and hopped my way to the potty. As usual the potty was talking 10 kinds of foul to me. I flushed, washed, and hopped on in to the kitchen. Olie was sitting at the breakfast table, reading the morning paper, and commenting on the current recession in England (he's worried about his hedge fund... I'm worried about the hole under my hedge where he's been hiding his bones). So, pancakes were the order of the morning. Unfortunately at this time it was the ass crack of dawn, not a pretty picture, so I had to leave the windows in the kitchen closed for the morning. I walked to the computer to feed my fish, take care of my theme park, and check on the ghosties. By this time Olie has abandoned reading the paper and has instead taken to shredding it. I've been living in a kitty litter box since we obtained Rolie Polie Olie, so I'm used to it. I pull out the vacuum, whom I hadn't fed in several days, and went whirring away. She happily obliged to digesting all the bits and pieces of paper lying about then topped it off with a few dust bunnies. Oh, don't give me that look. I know you've been killing dust bunnies, too. It's the natural order. I put the vacuum away, walked to the couch, and plopped myself down. There I fell asleep for a couple of hours dreaming about purple dragons and green poodles. I woke up to find that the rest of my body was not feeling so compliant. My feet were sleeping, and my bum was in that dream state where you're not quite asleep but not exactly awake either. I gave a quick shake (Olie shook as well, for my future body shaking reference), and shimmied to the kitchen. Jon was playing soft music with his nose, the wind was blowing through the curtains, and my stomach was attempting Beethoven's 5th symphony. Boring lunch, chicken noodle soup, though I must complain it was rather feathery this time. I decided to go for a walk so I laced up my shoes, put on a light yellow jacket, and walked the lonely street. The trees around me cast violent indigo shadows across my body, the clouds roll in clapping and heaving, so I retreat to my house. As I walk home I see couples walking around wearing smiles that seem forever plastered to their ceramic faces. I reach up and grab one cheerful looking woman. She's so young, surely there was time to help her. I squished her face in my hands trying to mold something else, something not written, but as soon as I let go it bounces back to its original eerie grin. I made it home, sadly confused, and headed straight to the kitchen. With a beer in one hand and a spoon in the other, I set to making dinner. Jon and I ate pureed bitch with a side of sarcasm. Desert was bitter life yogurt, naturally I skipped out on that one. Now here I am, filling you in on the day. 15 days to deployment.


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