05 October 2009

Oh, wow!

So, as of 30 Sept 09, Jon and I are officially out of debt! We're loving it! Now to redo our budget and see where we can afford to wiggle. Maybe make room for a baby? See, now that's a good topic. Babies... mm. I love them. They are so cute and when they look at you and smile you know that there is nothing better. You and your partner are just so amazed that you could make something so beautiful that you forget everything around you. But as I looked at my birth certificate I realized that my mother was 27 when she had me! She waited a long time and it makes me want to wait a long time as well but I would love to be a mommy. Oh, well. We'll see what the Good Lord has planned for us. Ok, so I haven't been going to church and I honestly plan on going back. There is, however, the problem of my voice. I feel like God gave me the gift of song but I'm not using it where I'm supposed to. Hrm... What I need right now is a good book. Yes, a good book would make me quite happy.


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