12 October 2009

Military Star Card

So apparently being officially out of debt for almost two weeks was too long. Yes, I got a new credit card. I went ahead and applied for the Star Card thinking I wouldn't get it. Much to my surprise, I did. So what did we do today? We went to Lakenheath and bought me a new desktop computer, printer, webcam, body spray, wax warmer (for the Yankee Candle wax tarts that I also purchased), Yankee Candle candle, paper, and mouse pad. BUT I am well under half of my limit. I also have no plans to put any additional purchases on it... ok, so maybe a new camera would be nice and a Zune. These will have to be discusses later. Anywho, I'm no longer debt free. I'm sure I'll be there again someday, and I'm sure it will only last two weeks. That's ok, though, because I am currently enjoying loading around 200 cd's onto my computer so that I have lots of music to enjoy. And this 22" flat screen is pretty nice to look at. Ah, the bliss of credit cards... I wonder what the bill will say! Well, I suppose it can't be too bad since the special this month is 20% off your first purchase with your Star Card (to be reflected on my bill, so I'm told). Poor Jon isn't feeling well. There's not really anything I can do and that makes it so much harder. I hate feeling useless, knowing I can't do anything to make him feel better. Ugh. He is officially leaving me in 30 days. The countdown begins. This deployment will not be easy, I can see that already. Let's see, he left for BMT last year on July 29 and we were separated (BMT, tech school) until around January 29. There's six months right there. So I'll have had him for a little more than nine months and he's leaving again for six! Oh, the joys of being a military wife.
Speaking of military, when the Air Force decides to move you to England, DO NOT GET BT INTERNET! We have had them since probably around April (we got our house in March, even though we got here in January and they already had a house for us... something about carpet cleaning) and our internet has not worked properly for more than a few hours at a time every couple of days. So we've had a technician out twice and we've called them more than a dozen times. Still NOTHING has been solved! Ugh... We're paying for the best package you can get and we're getting less than what you would get with a dial-up connection. Stupid, right? So, Jon called them again this evening and asked for a new hub. We're praying this will fix the problem.
On another complaining note, Rolie Polie Olie decided to poop all over himself (and his kennel and my room) last night. It was absolutely the most foul thing I have ever smelled in my life. I have come to the conclusion that giving my miniature schnauzer human food is not the same as giving my mother's mini schnauzer human food. Rowdy, my ma's puppy, has a high tolerance for just about anything he decides to eat. Olie, well let's just say he's the equivalent to an old man. For instance, I can easily picture Olie staring at my hamburger thinking," I wonder if she'll add prunes to that". Now I have to get him another bed (this will be his third) and hope that he decides to spontaneously-combust (yes, I realize that is spelled wrong but I couldn't think of a better phrase) outside near the back fence. Well, it's off to bed for me. Work in the... well, come to think of it in the afternoon. I'm sleeping in!


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