23 October 2009

Air Force Families

Now everyone knows that there are families that are very A-typical to every Air Force base. Take for instance, the family I envy sometimes, the Super Family. They have two kids, both very young, and yet they manage to keep their life in perfect order. Take for instance, you go to their house to do them a quick favor, and their house is SPOTLESS. I mean anal kind of spotless. AND it smells good! No, not good, great... amazing, even. How do these people do it! To top it off they are ranking it up. They can cook, they always look well presented, not an ounce of fat on them, nothing. They're just... perfect. I wish my house looked like theirs. What kills me is their carpets! If you know who I'm talking about then you know what I'm talking about. I cleaned my carpets for almost a week straight and in 2 days they looked just like they did before, even though we didn't let the dog run around inside, no one wore their shoes in the house, and I vacuumed like no one's business (with a new friggin $200 vacuum!). Then there's the family who's not from the States. The husband is military and he's cool as all get out. You'd never know he wasn't American if it wasn't for his accent. The wife tries so hard to make friends with everyone, and usually succeeds. Nothing really weird about them except that their kid could possibly be from the book "Where the Whild Things Are". English+Foreign language = evil baby talk. Ok, the baby isn't evil. She just acts like it sometimes (but she is honestly a doll). The next family would be the young family. I'm talking 18 year old married to another 18 year old. They are in debt up to their eyeballs because they spend all the money they make as soon as they get it. I know because we used to be that couple. They think they're in love but you everyone knows that they got married for all the wrong reasons. Don't get me wrong, we all want it to work out. Divorce is ugly no matter which way you turn it. Now we have the Old Couple. They're getting up in their years, no babies, and newly wed! They're cute as all get out but both of them are unsure about each other. Even more so, the spouse is confused about military life, the service member is confused about the spouse being confused. But you see them making the adjustments and loving each other more for it. There's the couple with a million kids, the couple no one talks to, the drunks, the prudes, and the normals. I don't know where I fall yet. I'm almost a little bit of everything (though not old, and no babies). We're not drunks but we like to drink. We're young and probably got married for all of the wrong reasons, but they're right now. We were in debt up to our eyeballs, but now we've paid off everything but 1 credit card (stupid star card). I'm not sure where I stand. I do know, however, that even with all of the different kind of families I'm just proud that we are a Military Family.


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