13 October 2009

Momma, I love you

This morning, when the alarm went off, Jon rolled over and kissed me. A good kind of kiss, the one that says,"Good morning, beautiful." I've been feeling pretty country lately! It probably has something to do with the 500 country cd's I'm loading into my new computer. My poor honey isn't feeling too well. I gave him a back massage, some kisses, and sent him to bed. I'm hoping he feels better soon. Well, I got my printer set up today. I've already spoken with my mother. You know, that's someone I'll never be able to let go of. I am literally doing anything to make it home for Christmas so I can see her. I had decided not to go just so I could keep my job, and when I told her I swear I could hear her heart break. My mom has been there through absolutely everything, and I mean everything (Yes that is my ma and she's making a goofy face). When I was making stupid mistakes in high school she was right there, bailing me out every time. Through me messing up my college she was there to kick my butt and make me go. I ran away to get married and realized way too late that telling her would have made my life so much easier. I don't know why it is that I feel like I have to take the hard way through everything. It seems like everything she warned me about, everything she tried to prepare me for, I brushed off... come to find out, she's been right. She's always been right. I mean it's a scary kind of accurate. It wasn't until after I had been married for about six months that I realized how much I need my momma. When Jon left for BMT I moved back in with her. I was home 99% of the time that he was gone, and I was usually spending time with my ma. When it was time for me to go she took me to the bus station, waited with me, and saw me off. I've never cried harder in my life. I felt like I was losing a part of me forever. Even now, I'm crying. Tomorrow is never guaranteed. You make sure you let that someone special know that you love them. Off track, anyway... I'm going home for Christmas and I can't wait to see my momma. I need to make a trip to London before Jon leaves so I can get her present! As for my sister... ugh. What can I say? I love her, God knows I do, but she is making the exact same mistakes I made. No, she didn't run away and get married, but she moved in with her boyfriend. She has a full scholarship to Bryan College! Plus, she gets to do what she loves most... play volleyball. I don't understand why she doesn't see where she's going. She saw me make the same mistakes. She saw me dig myself a hole so deep that I'm still trying to get out of it. I got pretty darn lucky in life. I married a man who's faithful, honest, and loves me beyond a shadow of a doubt. I have a family who stands by my side through good times and bad. I have a beautiful home, a wonderful life, and a God who is everything (I have no good words to explain all He's done for me, but I'm sure you understand). Ugh... I seriously need to do some writing exercises! I can never stay on track anymore! This should be called, "Oh random blog of randomness".


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