01 November 2009

Suddenly Motivated

Recently I decided that I want to do my house in a country theme! Now I've bookmarked countless websites to look at and am making a new budget just so I can do this! I will probably start when I get home from the states. I figure with Jon gone I'll have all the time in the world to do what I need to do. We bought a brown leather couch and loveseat, which we should have Tuesday, and I subscribed to Country Sampler. Hopefully this won't be too hard for me. I'm going to drag my neighbor over here and have her help me. The only problem is that all of this crap is so expensive! I'm hoping that whatever I buy lasts me for the next, oh, forty years or so. Yeah, long time. Olie Polie is lying underneath the computer desk right now. He's so cute! Whenever I'm on the computer and I'm not playing with him, he usually comes and lies underneath it until I get done. He's so sweet. Deployment is getting closer, I'm gaining weight like crazy, and this morning I found a gray hair! Ugh... the things we do for love. Well, it's time for me to get back to cleaning the house. I just felt like informing everyone of my plans!


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