05 October 2009


So, today I left work because I've been attacked by the flu bug! Somehow word got around to my boss that I had H1N1 (a.k.a.: swine flu). I know that H1N1 is a serious bug right now, especially with me working with children, and is not something that you just toss around like it's okay. Anyway, my boss called her boss who called his boss (etc., chain of command) and told them. I'm not sure when this all took place but it must have happened pretty fast, because only 30 minutes after I got home, I got a call from my boss wanting to know what I said and why I said it. Now bear this in mind, I walked home from work (about a 3-5 minute walk) and once I got home I called work and told them not to say anything to anyone about swine flu because I hadn't even gone to the doctor to get tested. I told them I didn't want anyone freaking out about nothing. Now, not pointing fingers at anyone, but before I started any kind of talk I would have made sure that I had words straight from the horse's mouth before I said anything to anyone. With as serious as H1N1 is right now it would probably be prudent to be sure at all times, right? I mean, that makes sense to me. But I guess that's another aspect of military life I haven't quite gotten down yet. I've decided, however, to no longer talk to anyone at the CDC about anything other than the CDC because certain people take things the wrong way. I really wish people would ask me before they say anything. If you think something I know is important and you want to know too, ask me. I'm really not that big of a bitch and if it's something you need to know I'm okay with telling you. Well, enough ranting for one post.
On the plus side, BT is supposed to come today and fix my internet! I'm hoping that I will finally get what I am paying for. Also, I am hellbent on getting a massage this week to help me deal with some of my stress! I'm thinking massage, pedi, and eyebrow wax. Mm mm good.


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