27 October 2009


Today was an amazing day. First off, I woke up this morning to the smell of lilies. It turns out I left the window open and the tiger lilies were getting restless, so they crept through my window to pull me out of my funk. I reluctantly climbed out of my bed into my bunny slippers (they were feeling kind of cranky this morning), and hopped my way to the potty. As usual the potty was talking 10 kinds of foul to me. I flushed, washed, and hopped on in to the kitchen. Olie was sitting at the breakfast table, reading the morning paper, and commenting on the current recession in England (he's worried about his hedge fund... I'm worried about the hole under my hedge where he's been hiding his bones). So, pancakes were the order of the morning. Unfortunately at this time it was the ass crack of dawn, not a pretty picture, so I had to leave the windows in the kitchen closed for the morning. I walked to the computer to feed my fish, take care of my theme park, and check on the ghosties. By this time Olie has abandoned reading the paper and has instead taken to shredding it. I've been living in a kitty litter box since we obtained Rolie Polie Olie, so I'm used to it. I pull out the vacuum, whom I hadn't fed in several days, and went whirring away. She happily obliged to digesting all the bits and pieces of paper lying about then topped it off with a few dust bunnies. Oh, don't give me that look. I know you've been killing dust bunnies, too. It's the natural order. I put the vacuum away, walked to the couch, and plopped myself down. There I fell asleep for a couple of hours dreaming about purple dragons and green poodles. I woke up to find that the rest of my body was not feeling so compliant. My feet were sleeping, and my bum was in that dream state where you're not quite asleep but not exactly awake either. I gave a quick shake (Olie shook as well, for my future body shaking reference), and shimmied to the kitchen. Jon was playing soft music with his nose, the wind was blowing through the curtains, and my stomach was attempting Beethoven's 5th symphony. Boring lunch, chicken noodle soup, though I must complain it was rather feathery this time. I decided to go for a walk so I laced up my shoes, put on a light yellow jacket, and walked the lonely street. The trees around me cast violent indigo shadows across my body, the clouds roll in clapping and heaving, so I retreat to my house. As I walk home I see couples walking around wearing smiles that seem forever plastered to their ceramic faces. I reach up and grab one cheerful looking woman. She's so young, surely there was time to help her. I squished her face in my hands trying to mold something else, something not written, but as soon as I let go it bounces back to its original eerie grin. I made it home, sadly confused, and headed straight to the kitchen. With a beer in one hand and a spoon in the other, I set to making dinner. Jon and I ate pureed bitch with a side of sarcasm. Desert was bitter life yogurt, naturally I skipped out on that one. Now here I am, filling you in on the day. 15 days to deployment.

23 October 2009

Air Force Families

Now everyone knows that there are families that are very A-typical to every Air Force base. Take for instance, the family I envy sometimes, the Super Family. They have two kids, both very young, and yet they manage to keep their life in perfect order. Take for instance, you go to their house to do them a quick favor, and their house is SPOTLESS. I mean anal kind of spotless. AND it smells good! No, not good, great... amazing, even. How do these people do it! To top it off they are ranking it up. They can cook, they always look well presented, not an ounce of fat on them, nothing. They're just... perfect. I wish my house looked like theirs. What kills me is their carpets! If you know who I'm talking about then you know what I'm talking about. I cleaned my carpets for almost a week straight and in 2 days they looked just like they did before, even though we didn't let the dog run around inside, no one wore their shoes in the house, and I vacuumed like no one's business (with a new friggin $200 vacuum!). Then there's the family who's not from the States. The husband is military and he's cool as all get out. You'd never know he wasn't American if it wasn't for his accent. The wife tries so hard to make friends with everyone, and usually succeeds. Nothing really weird about them except that their kid could possibly be from the book "Where the Whild Things Are". English+Foreign language = evil baby talk. Ok, the baby isn't evil. She just acts like it sometimes (but she is honestly a doll). The next family would be the young family. I'm talking 18 year old married to another 18 year old. They are in debt up to their eyeballs because they spend all the money they make as soon as they get it. I know because we used to be that couple. They think they're in love but you everyone knows that they got married for all the wrong reasons. Don't get me wrong, we all want it to work out. Divorce is ugly no matter which way you turn it. Now we have the Old Couple. They're getting up in their years, no babies, and newly wed! They're cute as all get out but both of them are unsure about each other. Even more so, the spouse is confused about military life, the service member is confused about the spouse being confused. But you see them making the adjustments and loving each other more for it. There's the couple with a million kids, the couple no one talks to, the drunks, the prudes, and the normals. I don't know where I fall yet. I'm almost a little bit of everything (though not old, and no babies). We're not drunks but we like to drink. We're young and probably got married for all of the wrong reasons, but they're right now. We were in debt up to our eyeballs, but now we've paid off everything but 1 credit card (stupid star card). I'm not sure where I stand. I do know, however, that even with all of the different kind of families I'm just proud that we are a Military Family.

13 October 2009

Momma, I love you

This morning, when the alarm went off, Jon rolled over and kissed me. A good kind of kiss, the one that says,"Good morning, beautiful." I've been feeling pretty country lately! It probably has something to do with the 500 country cd's I'm loading into my new computer. My poor honey isn't feeling too well. I gave him a back massage, some kisses, and sent him to bed. I'm hoping he feels better soon. Well, I got my printer set up today. I've already spoken with my mother. You know, that's someone I'll never be able to let go of. I am literally doing anything to make it home for Christmas so I can see her. I had decided not to go just so I could keep my job, and when I told her I swear I could hear her heart break. My mom has been there through absolutely everything, and I mean everything (Yes that is my ma and she's making a goofy face). When I was making stupid mistakes in high school she was right there, bailing me out every time. Through me messing up my college she was there to kick my butt and make me go. I ran away to get married and realized way too late that telling her would have made my life so much easier. I don't know why it is that I feel like I have to take the hard way through everything. It seems like everything she warned me about, everything she tried to prepare me for, I brushed off... come to find out, she's been right. She's always been right. I mean it's a scary kind of accurate. It wasn't until after I had been married for about six months that I realized how much I need my momma. When Jon left for BMT I moved back in with her. I was home 99% of the time that he was gone, and I was usually spending time with my ma. When it was time for me to go she took me to the bus station, waited with me, and saw me off. I've never cried harder in my life. I felt like I was losing a part of me forever. Even now, I'm crying. Tomorrow is never guaranteed. You make sure you let that someone special know that you love them. Off track, anyway... I'm going home for Christmas and I can't wait to see my momma. I need to make a trip to London before Jon leaves so I can get her present! As for my sister... ugh. What can I say? I love her, God knows I do, but she is making the exact same mistakes I made. No, she didn't run away and get married, but she moved in with her boyfriend. She has a full scholarship to Bryan College! Plus, she gets to do what she loves most... play volleyball. I don't understand why she doesn't see where she's going. She saw me make the same mistakes. She saw me dig myself a hole so deep that I'm still trying to get out of it. I got pretty darn lucky in life. I married a man who's faithful, honest, and loves me beyond a shadow of a doubt. I have a family who stands by my side through good times and bad. I have a beautiful home, a wonderful life, and a God who is everything (I have no good words to explain all He's done for me, but I'm sure you understand). Ugh... I seriously need to do some writing exercises! I can never stay on track anymore! This should be called, "Oh random blog of randomness".

12 October 2009

Military Star Card

So apparently being officially out of debt for almost two weeks was too long. Yes, I got a new credit card. I went ahead and applied for the Star Card thinking I wouldn't get it. Much to my surprise, I did. So what did we do today? We went to Lakenheath and bought me a new desktop computer, printer, webcam, body spray, wax warmer (for the Yankee Candle wax tarts that I also purchased), Yankee Candle candle, paper, and mouse pad. BUT I am well under half of my limit. I also have no plans to put any additional purchases on it... ok, so maybe a new camera would be nice and a Zune. These will have to be discusses later. Anywho, I'm no longer debt free. I'm sure I'll be there again someday, and I'm sure it will only last two weeks. That's ok, though, because I am currently enjoying loading around 200 cd's onto my computer so that I have lots of music to enjoy. And this 22" flat screen is pretty nice to look at. Ah, the bliss of credit cards... I wonder what the bill will say! Well, I suppose it can't be too bad since the special this month is 20% off your first purchase with your Star Card (to be reflected on my bill, so I'm told). Poor Jon isn't feeling well. There's not really anything I can do and that makes it so much harder. I hate feeling useless, knowing I can't do anything to make him feel better. Ugh. He is officially leaving me in 30 days. The countdown begins. This deployment will not be easy, I can see that already. Let's see, he left for BMT last year on July 29 and we were separated (BMT, tech school) until around January 29. There's six months right there. So I'll have had him for a little more than nine months and he's leaving again for six! Oh, the joys of being a military wife.
Speaking of military, when the Air Force decides to move you to England, DO NOT GET BT INTERNET! We have had them since probably around April (we got our house in March, even though we got here in January and they already had a house for us... something about carpet cleaning) and our internet has not worked properly for more than a few hours at a time every couple of days. So we've had a technician out twice and we've called them more than a dozen times. Still NOTHING has been solved! Ugh... We're paying for the best package you can get and we're getting less than what you would get with a dial-up connection. Stupid, right? So, Jon called them again this evening and asked for a new hub. We're praying this will fix the problem.
On another complaining note, Rolie Polie Olie decided to poop all over himself (and his kennel and my room) last night. It was absolutely the most foul thing I have ever smelled in my life. I have come to the conclusion that giving my miniature schnauzer human food is not the same as giving my mother's mini schnauzer human food. Rowdy, my ma's puppy, has a high tolerance for just about anything he decides to eat. Olie, well let's just say he's the equivalent to an old man. For instance, I can easily picture Olie staring at my hamburger thinking," I wonder if she'll add prunes to that". Now I have to get him another bed (this will be his third) and hope that he decides to spontaneously-combust (yes, I realize that is spelled wrong but I couldn't think of a better phrase) outside near the back fence. Well, it's off to bed for me. Work in the... well, come to think of it in the afternoon. I'm sleeping in!

07 October 2009

2 Weeks Notice

I finally got the nerve to put in my two week notice. Now I will be able to go home for Christmas! Jon is standing behind me on this so I'm really thankful for that! Being in love is awesome! Well, I'm going to go back to working on my book. Hopefully I will have it finished in a year or two. I will also be able to work out more! I'm hoping I can lose some weight, get myself into shape, look good for my man when he comes home! We're fixing to go through our first deployment and it's definitely not going to be easy. I know we can do it, though. So... yea. Two weeks. Counting down the days!

05 October 2009

Oh, wow!

So, as of 30 Sept 09, Jon and I are officially out of debt! We're loving it! Now to redo our budget and see where we can afford to wiggle. Maybe make room for a baby? See, now that's a good topic. Babies... mm. I love them. They are so cute and when they look at you and smile you know that there is nothing better. You and your partner are just so amazed that you could make something so beautiful that you forget everything around you. But as I looked at my birth certificate I realized that my mother was 27 when she had me! She waited a long time and it makes me want to wait a long time as well but I would love to be a mommy. Oh, well. We'll see what the Good Lord has planned for us. Ok, so I haven't been going to church and I honestly plan on going back. There is, however, the problem of my voice. I feel like God gave me the gift of song but I'm not using it where I'm supposed to. Hrm... What I need right now is a good book. Yes, a good book would make me quite happy.


So, today I left work because I've been attacked by the flu bug! Somehow word got around to my boss that I had H1N1 (a.k.a.: swine flu). I know that H1N1 is a serious bug right now, especially with me working with children, and is not something that you just toss around like it's okay. Anyway, my boss called her boss who called his boss (etc., chain of command) and told them. I'm not sure when this all took place but it must have happened pretty fast, because only 30 minutes after I got home, I got a call from my boss wanting to know what I said and why I said it. Now bear this in mind, I walked home from work (about a 3-5 minute walk) and once I got home I called work and told them not to say anything to anyone about swine flu because I hadn't even gone to the doctor to get tested. I told them I didn't want anyone freaking out about nothing. Now, not pointing fingers at anyone, but before I started any kind of talk I would have made sure that I had words straight from the horse's mouth before I said anything to anyone. With as serious as H1N1 is right now it would probably be prudent to be sure at all times, right? I mean, that makes sense to me. But I guess that's another aspect of military life I haven't quite gotten down yet. I've decided, however, to no longer talk to anyone at the CDC about anything other than the CDC because certain people take things the wrong way. I really wish people would ask me before they say anything. If you think something I know is important and you want to know too, ask me. I'm really not that big of a bitch and if it's something you need to know I'm okay with telling you. Well, enough ranting for one post.
On the plus side, BT is supposed to come today and fix my internet! I'm hoping that I will finally get what I am paying for. Also, I am hellbent on getting a massage this week to help me deal with some of my stress! I'm thinking massage, pedi, and eyebrow wax. Mm mm good.
