06 November 2009

3 Years

So, we've hit our 3 year wedding anniversary! Honestly, time has gone by so fast. I never thought we'd make it to this. I had hope, of course, but getting married at 18 makes things hard! Now, looking at him, I feel my heart swell with so much love and pride. Through the good and bad, we're still together. With all the problems we had, heartache, and trials I can honestly say it's completely worth it. We have the forever kind of love and it's amazing. No babies yet, we've decided to put it off for another 5-8 years. I really want to go back to school and I can't do it until I go back to the states! Unfortunately nursing school is not the same here as it is in the states. Hopefully while we are here I can get my house in order. This way when we move I will have everything that I need for the house. I've decided to go with the whole "country" look (Hearts and Stars, Primitive, Americana, etc...) and I'm hoping I'll get it done by the time he gets back from his deployment. Five days until he leaves, and it's heartbreaking. We've made it this far, though, and this is just another obstacle to overcome. We can do it. I know we can. We've had so much support from our friends and family, and to all of you I say thank you.


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